Special Russian Military Operation in Ukraine

Today President Putin announced the beginning of “a special military operation in Ukraine”, for the purpose of achieving that country’s “demilitarization and “de-Nazification”.

A batch of questions remain, so far without clear answers:

1. What is the Kremlin eventually hoping to gain from this operation? For example:

2. To decide once and for all the status of the Donbas and Luhansk regions? Or does Mr. Putin want to march further into the country?

3. If so, how further - Kharkiv, Mariupol, Odessa, Kyiv, Lviv?

4. If all the way to Kyiv, then for what purpose? Force President Zelensky to change position on the DNR and LNR status and NATO membership? Or, maybe replace Mr. Zelensky himself?

5. Finally, maybe this operation is part of Mr. Putin's grand plan to create a new Union State including Russia, Belarus and Ukraine?

Edward Opp
Feb. 24, 2022


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