
Showing posts from February, 2022
Special Russian Military Operation in Ukraine Today President Putin announced the beginning of “a special military operation in Ukraine”, for the purpose of achieving that country’s “demilitarization and “de-Nazification”. A batch of questions remain, so far without clear answers: 1. What is the Kremlin eventually hoping to gain from this operation? For example: 2. To decide once and for all the status of the Donbas and Luhansk regions? Or does Mr. Putin want to march further into the country? 3. If so, how further - Kharkiv, Mariupol, Odessa, Kyiv, Lviv? 4. If all the way to Kyiv, then for what purpose? Force President Zelensky to change position on the DNR and LNR status and NATO membership? Or, maybe replace Mr. Zelensky himself? 5. Finally, maybe this operation is part of Mr. Putin's grand plan to create a new Union State including Russia, Belarus and Ukraine? Edward Opp Moscow Feb. 24, 2022
Why President Putin will not invade Ukraine and President Biden insists he will Is President Putin really planning to invade Ukraine? How does President Biden know he will? What does President Putin really want? All good questions, and ones my western friends and colleagues have been asking me. They think I, having worked in Russian media in Moscow for 25 years, must have some perspective on this.” Well, yes. President Putin does not have any intention of invading Ukraine. To understand why, and answer those other questions from friends, we need to look at some history. Hang with me, it will be worth your time. Putin’s NATO ultimatum – refusal guaranteed The latest round in the Ukrainian drama began in December when Russia delivered a formal list of proposals (many called them demands, others ultimatums) to the United States and NATO regarding Russian security concerns. The list was not long, nine points, the main gist of which was:   ·         NATO must halt eastern ex